BATON ROUGE-The Louisiana State University (LSU) School of Veterinary Medicine has received a $9.9 million to establish a Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE). This grant for the National Center for Research Resources provides funds to develop faculty for independent funding by the National Institute of Health (NIH). The grant will last for five years and can be renewed for five or more years.
BATON ROUGE—The Louisiana State University (LSU) School of Veterinary Medicine has received a $9.9 million to establish a Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE). This grant for the National Center for Research Resources provides funds to develop faculty for independent funding by the National Institute of Health (NIH). The grant will last for five years and can be renewed for five or more years.
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The school's grant will allow it to create a Center for Experimental Infectious Disease Research (CEIDR).
"This center constitutes a strategic alliance between the School of Veterinary Medicine, the LSU School of Basic Sciences and the Tulane National Primate Research Center," says Dr. Konstantin Kousoulas, the administrator of COBRE program at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine.
The COBRE grant provides funding and research capabilities that would give assistant and associate professors the opportunity to establish research programs that will compete for independent funding by NIH.
Some of the initial research projects are titled "New measles vaccine strategy using VSV vectors," "Early RSV exposure leads to adult airways disease," "Host responsive in HIV-1 and microsporidia co-infection" and "Monocyte infection in SIV neuropathogenesis."The COBRE program will be administered by the Division of Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine of the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine.