Vancouver, B.C. - In his opening remarks, an international animal welfare chair poked jabs at cosmetic surgery practices in the U.S. and Canada that are willfully defended by kennel clubs, dog shows, breeders and pet owners.
Vancouver, B.C. - In his opening remarks, an international animalwelfare chair poked jabs at cosmetic surgery practices in the U.S. and Canadathat are willfully defended by kennel clubs, dog shows, breeders and petowners.
Dr. Roger Clarke of Melbourne, Australia, speaking at the World SmallAnimal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Convention in the first week of August,is heading a global effort to gather support from veterinary medical associationsto sign an accord supported by the WSAVA convention on the protection ofcompanion animals.
The petition addresses numerous ethical and medical practices concerningcare and treatment, including overpopulation and stray animals, tradingand breeding, pharmaceuticals and performance enhancing substances, theuse of animals for exhibitions or entertainment, and cosmetic surgery.
Clarke contends that despite other countries' flat refusal to performsuch procedures as devocalization and defanging, North America finds nofault in such practice.
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