Hospital Design
Toothaches and triumphs
A veterinarian learns from his dental care journey
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Advancing DEI in veterinary medicine
Kemba L. Marshall, MPH, DVM, DABVP (Avian), shares more about her upcoming book, and the journey that brought her to becoming an author
Sneak peek: Researchers investigate grief and burnout in zoo workers, and other veterinary news
Here is a sneak peek of this week’s headlines
Wildfires and wildlife
Evan Antin, DVM, shares more on the current state of the wildfires in Southern California on this week's episode of The Vet Blast Podcast presented by dvm360
USDA issues conditional license for H5N2 vaccination
The vaccine from Zoetis, Avian Influenza Vaccine, H5N2 Subtype, Killed Virus, is for poultry and has been demonstrated to be safe, pure, and to have a reasonable expectation of efficacy
Managing canine oral tumors
The type of lesion will guide treatment and prognosis