A technician's guide to examining female breeding soundness.
The time spent on history taking is the most important time devoted to a case.
o Digital
o Speculum
o Screening test
o Titer
o To estimate progression toward first day of estrus in bitch that is being shipped for breeding
o To correlate endocrinological and behavioral states in the bitch that has been subfertile
o To determine infectious or inflammatory conditions of the reproductive tract
o Bacteria normally present
o Guarded swab
o Obtain when cervix is open (?)
o Obtain before cytology (take sample)
o Interpretation
o Other signs of disease important
o No bacteria present
o Exploratory
o Digitally and visually
o Starts to rise before ovulation
o Peaks at 4 weeks after onset of estrus
o Not useful
o Range 15 to 50 nmol/L
o Depends on laboratory
o 1.0 to 2.5 nmol/L
o 9.0 to 40 pmol/L
o < 20
o 10
o < 30 mU/L
o < 200 %