Education pays-for your clients and your practice


Teaching pet owners about payment options helps ensure they will comply with your recommendations.

Implementing client payment options such as pet insurance or third-party payment plans can significantly increase compliance and, consequently, your patients' and practice's well-being. To make sure clients are aware of their payment choices, financial expert Lorraine Monheiser List, CPA, CVA, with Summit Veterinary Advisors in Littleton, Colo., recommends that team members consider the following steps:

• Post the payment options you offer on your practice's Web site with links to various providers, and include the information in your practice's newsletter. Be sure to let clients know that payment is due at the end of their appointment but that there are various ways they can pay.

• Post signs at the front desk and around the practice that say, “Ask us about payment options.”

• Note in the patient's chart if the client has pet insurance or uses a third-party payment plan. Be prepared to explain the options to clients not currently taking advantage of these programs when you give them an estimate of their charges.

• Keep insurance and third-party plan brochures and registration forms at the front desk in plain sight.

• Hold educational workshops or post articles on your Web site to help clients pick which option is right for them.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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