BizQuiz: Can you battle job burnout? (Answer 5B)


Taking the BizQuiz? This is the answer to question 5 of "Can you battle job burnout?"

5) B-Trick question!

All three of the possible answers could be correct. To reinvigorate your job, you may need to talk to the boss, get some education, or move to another practice with different opportunities.

If you're a responsible, capable team member who wants to learn more and do new things on the job, talk to your manager or boss about a plan for career and education action. Bring ideas to the table: administrative tasks that might be delegated to you, new business or medical skills you'd like to learn, or a long-term plan to occupy a new position or a newly emptied position down the road.

If your boss isn't receptive to delegation or finding ways you can grow at the practice, you might have to make the difficult decision to stay and live with it, or start sending out resumes to other animal hospitals. You might be in the right profession but on the wrong team.

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