AVMA Web site answers H1N1 questions for veterinarians, pet owners


Schaumburg, Ill. -- The American Veterinary Medical Association has made new information available on its Web site for veterinarians and pet owners who have questions about H1N1 influenza in light of recent detection of the virus in an Iowa cat.

Schaumburg, Ill.

-- The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has made new information available on its Web site for veterinarians and pet owners who have questions about H1N1 influenza in light of recent detection of the virus in an Iowa cat.

Topics include cat-to-cat and cat-to-human transmission, as well as presence of H1N1 in other species. Information on staff hygiene and staffing policies during a possible U.S. outbreak of H1N1 are covered too.

Click here to access AMVA's H1N1 resources.

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