The American Veterinary Medical Association's Governmental Relations Division received leadership's guidance to act on a long list of federal initiatives.
The American Veterinary Medical Association's Governmental Relations Division received leadership's guidance to act on a long list of federal initiatives. To view the legislation online, visit The Library of Congress' Web site at
S. 1882 Public Health Preparedness Workforce Development Act of 2007
H.R. 2465 Income-Dependent Education Assistance Act of 2007
S. 1880/H.R. 3219/H.R. 3327 Dog Fighting Prohibition Act
H.R. 2711 Internet Hunting
H.R. 50 Multinational Species Conservation Funds Reauthorization Act of 2007
H.R. 465 Asian Elephant Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2007
S. 1033/ H.R. 1464 Great Cats and Rare Canids of 2007
H.R. 1913 Great Cats Conservation Act 0f 2007
S. 1609/H.R. 2010 National Offshore Aquaculture Act
H.R. 2301 Livestock Identification and Marketing Opportunities Act of 2007
S. 1804 National Agriculture and Food Defense Act of 2007
S. 971/H.R. 2118 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Act of 2007
H.R. 1405/S. 1246 The Wildlife GAINS Act
H.R. 2193 Animal Protection Accountability Act
S. 533 Natural Stock Conservation Act of 2007
S. 654/H.R. 1148 Safe Food Act of 2007
S. 1916/ H.R. 3295 amends the Public Health Service Act to modify the program for the sanctuary system for surplus chimpanzees by terminating the authority for removal of chimpanzees from the system for research purposes.
S. 887/H.R. 2629 restores import and entry agricultural inspection functions to the Department of Agriculture.
S.5/H.R. 3 Stem Cell Research
Enhancement Act of 2007
H.R. 1717 amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish a National Bio and Agro-defense Facility.
Equity in federal veterinary pay