Arm yourself against mosquito vectors


Mosquito distribution maps are good, but they have a ways to go in terms of guiding decisions about heartworm transmission.

When making recommendations to pet owners about heartworm prevention, do you use a hard-facts approach? If you want to arm yourself with information about the range of vector-transmitting mosquitoes, there are two sources that Tanja McKay, PhD, professor of entomology at Arkansas State University, recommends. Take a look at this exclusive video from the American Heartworm Society to find out what she prefers.

The CDC maintains geographical distribution maps of two species of mosquitoes, Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti, based on more than 20 years of research, though McKay notes that maps of the other species of mosquitoes are also needed.

The book Identification and Geographical Distribution of the Mosquitoes of North America, North of Mexico by R. F. Darsie and R. A. Ward shows the distribution maps for many species.

McKay urges participation of all knowledgeable stakeholders to update and gather more information about where the mosquitoes are occurring and which are most positive for heartworm to help veterinarians and pet owners make better decisions about how to handle heartworm transmission in the future.

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