VETERINARY ECONOMICS Contributors' Guidelines


How to go about submitting ideas for publication.

How to go about submitting ideas for publication.




VETERINARY ECONOMICS is a monthly professional trade magazine for practicing veterinarians that provides detailed articles about the business of client and patient care. We cover topics related to practice management, including personnel solutions, communication, practice finances, personal finances, day-to-day management issues, client relations, life balance, and more.


We also cover industry issues impacting the veterinary profession. For example, we've published articles on the changing models of practice, changes in vaccine protocols, the gender shift, and so on.



We encourage freelance writers to submit proposals or outlines for articles. Most of the pieces we publish include interviews with practicing veterinarians and industry experts nationwide or case study examples of practitioners' experiences, lessons learned, and tips. We accept only a small number of unsolicited manuscripts each year. However, we do assign many articles to freelance writers. Here's an overview of the types of articles we're always looking for:


Practice Tips (250 words or less, $50)

Do you have a great idea you've used in your practice and think will work for others? We'd like to hear about it. We're looking for practical, how-to tips on client relations, client education, marketing, investing, staff rewards, hospital décor, hospital maintenance, accounts receivable, and more.


Building the Bond (600 to 1,200 words, $250)

Have you had a real-life experience that demonstrated the bond between people and pets? Have you had a client and patient that you'll just never forget? Tell us how these moments illustrate the bond and how this experience changed your approach or your perspective.


Hot Button (600 words, $100)

Do you get fired up every time someone brings up a certain topic regarding veterinary practice? Tell us what issues make your blood boil and what should be done about it.


Product News (300 words or less, $0)

Do you have a new product that veterinarians need to know about? Send us your press release with a digital photo (3 inches at 300 dpi).


Features (800 to 2,000 words, $250 to $350)

We're looking for practitioners to share their stories and lessons from practice life. Let us know if you've experienced any of the following and would be willing to share your story, including your picture, with our readers.

> The worst week ever. Really! How did you handle it?

> Being fired. What did you do next? What did you learn?

> More than 20 years in practice. Are you still happy? What's kept you going all these years?

> Just joined a practice and couldn't be more certain that you've made the best decision of your life to practice veterinary medicine. Tell us about your choice and why it was the right one for you.

> Own a practice that's struggling financially. Would you like to get back on track? We're looking for an owner who's ready to diagnose the problem and make a change.

> Struggling with your personal finances. Your problems may be issues many of your colleagues share.



We review all material submitted by first-time contributors, and we generally respond within 12 to 16 weeks. We pay on publication. Our rates vary depending on the length and scope of the article and the writer's experience. VETERINARY ECONOMICS buys all rights to published articles.


VETERINARY ECONOMICS' style is concise yet conversational, and all manuscripts undergo a rigorous editing process. We encourage writers to provide specific examples to illustrate the points they make in their articles.

All contributors must sign and agree to our editorial license agreement.



Please send queries to Editor, VETERINARY ECONOMICS, 8033 Flint, Lenexa, KS 66214, or


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