Emergency kit protects pets from terror attacks


Washington-Some precautionary measures owners can take could aid in their pet's survival in the event of a biological or chemical attack, government officials report.

Washington-Some precautionary measures owners can take could aid in their pet's survival in the event of a biological or chemical attack, government officials report.

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge released an emergency guide forpets that includes a three-day supply of food and water, making provisionsfor animal waste and arranging for a neighbor to look after pets in theevent owners cannot get home. In a disaster, people can forget the obviousthings and are urged to take preventive steps now, the government says.

The tips likely stem from lessons learned after the Sept. 11, 2001 terroristattacks, when thousands were forced to evacuate New York City, leaving theirpets behind in apartments.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Humane Society of theUnited States also recommend owners prepare any pet medications and havea carrier or leash ready for each pet in case of evacuation.

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