Cleveland-DVM Newsmagazine has placed third in the American Society of Business Publications Editors (ASBPE) annual writing competition.
Cleveland-DVM Newsmagazine has placed third in the AmericanSociety of Business Publications Editors (ASBPE) annual writing competition.
The winning entry, Wolves at the Door, explored the emerging diseaseissue. The same entry won an ASBPE First Place in the regional awards.
It also garnered a prestigious Jesse H. Neal Certificate of Merit, oneof the most sought-after awards in trade press publishing.
"It is gratifying to know that not only was the series well receivedby our readers, but by our peers in the business media as well," saysMaureen Hrehocik, editor of DVM Newsmagazine. "For a single entry towin three awards makes us very proud."
The award was presented at a banquet in Chicago in June. Executive EditorDaniel R. Verdon accepted for the magazine.
The American Society of Business Press Editors is a professional organizationfor business-to-business trade magazines across the country.