CVC Tidbits: Nuggets of knowledge from the conferences


This year, we gathered these valuable morsels of advice from all three CVC locations-San Diego, Kansas City, and Washington, D.C.

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From CVC San Diego:

If a cat has pleural effusion, the leading cause is congestive heart failure.

—Sonya Gordon, DVM, DVSc, DACVIM

Although a pulse oximeter is probably the most common anesthetic monitoring modality, it provides the least amount of clinically useful information in a patient receiving 100% oxygen. Instead, blood pressure monitoring and end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring provide more clinically useful information, based on the frequency of anesthetic complications that involve one of these parameters.

—Todd Duffy, DVM, DACVECC

About 33 percent of all heartworm cases reported are in cats housed “totally indoors.”

—Andrew Moorhead, DVM, MS, PhD

Want to help promote a happy multicat household? Introduce the “house of plenty”: Owners should provide plenty of sources of food and water, litter boxes, toys, refuges and places to hide, and space (vertical space is important).

—Valarie V. Tynes, DVM, DACVB

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From CVC San Diego:

A recent study showed that 29% of all dogs have anxiety problems as defined by the owner, and 57% of those have more than one type of anxiety. Noise is the most common fear (17%—13 million dogs). Thunder is the most feared, followed by fireworks and the vacuum.

—Gary Landsberg, DVM, DACVB, DECVBM

One solution to increase and maintain cat visits: If a cat has a chronic need for care at home, assign the owner a clinic “buddy”—a staff member the owner can call at any time if there are problems or questions.

—Elizabeth Colleran, DVM, MS, DABVP (feline)

If you are trying to warm a patient, unless you are providing in-line warming of fluids, by the time prewarmed fluids are hung, the fluid has already reached room temperature and will produce a cooling effect.

–Cynthia Otto, DVM, PhD, DACVECC

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From CVC Kansas City:

Tips to prevent Lyme disease-carrying ticks around the yard: Remove leaf litter (reduces nymphs 49% to 69%), install a woodchip barrier (reduces nymphs 35% to 76%), reduce tree canopy (aim for 50% to 80% direct sunlight exposure), and keep the grass mowed to —Stephen Barr, BVSc, MVS, PhD, DACVIM

Never use spring-loaded mouth gags in anesthetized cats. Because of cats’ anatomy, this form of mouth gag occludes the maxillary artery, stopping blood flow to the brain. Cats can wake up from anesthesia with temporary or even permanent blindness.

—Kevin Stepaniuk, BSc, DVM, DAVDC

Cats need an image adjustment. It’s time to rebrand cats from reclusive companions to new “improved” dogs. We must train cats to be more social!

—Sophia Yin, DVM, MS

There is now universal agreement that heartworm-positive dogs with microfilariae should never be on slow-kill therapy as it may be a contributor to possible heartworm preventive resistance. Instead follow the heartworm treatment protocol presented in Table 3 of the American Heartworm Society’s guidelines:

—Michael Dryden, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVM

When it comes to raising nutrition issues with difficult clients—use feel, felt, found: “I know how you feel. Many of my clients have felt that way until they found out that…”

—Tony Buffington, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVN

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From CVC San Diego:

Embrace the concept of zooeyia, which is the positive inverse of zoonosis. It reflects the symbiotic relationship between humans and animals that results in positive outcomes.

—Kate Hodgson, DVM, MHSc, CCMEP

When considering whether your practice will see exotic mammals, make up a list of what you will see and what you will not see up front—before a situation actually arises.

—Eric Klaphake, DVM, DABVP (avian, reptile-amphibian), DACVZM

When transfusing cats, if type B blood is given to type A cats, acute or severe reactions are rare, but the transfusion effects are short-lived. If type A blood is given to type B cats, it is often fatal. So bloodtype all cats. Genetic testing on a cheek swab is an easy way to bloodtype.

—Susan Little, DVM, DABVP (feline)

For any form of inappropriate elimination problem in a cat, my first recommendation is to get a bigger litter box—ideally, it should be 24×36 in.

—Lisa Radosta, DVM, DACVB

Feline heartworm myth: Heartworm-associated respiratory disease (HARD) occurs only in cats infected with adult heartworms. Reality: HARD can occur in cats infected with immature larvae (L4).

—Kristin MacDonald, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (cardiology)

Use the knuckle test to quickly assess body condition score: the patient’s ribs feel like your knuckles when your fist is closed = too thin; the ribs feel like your knuckles when your hand is open = good condition; the ribs feel like your knuckles when you flip your hand over with your palm exposed = too fat.

—Lori Corriveau, DVM

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