AVMA adds to Executive Board


Schaumburg, Ill.-Two long-time DVMs have been selected to join the American Veterinary Medical Association's (AVMA) Executive Board.

Schaumburg, Ill.-

Two long-time DVMs have been selected to join the AmericanVeterinary Medical Association's (AVMA) Executive Board.

Drs. Jacky R. Horner, of Memphis, Tenn., and James O. Cook, of Lebanon,Ky., will begin their six-year terms July 14 after they're sworn-in duringthe AVMA Annual Convention in Boston. Both veterinarians were uncontestedfor the seats and declared elected without balloting, according to AVMABylaws.

Horner, 58, will serve District III, which includes Alabama, Florida,Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Tennessee.Cook, 54, will represent Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia inDistrict IV.

Horner succeeds current Executive Board Chairman Dr. Jan E. Bartels ofAuburn, Ala. Cook will replace Dr. Leonard M. Tinney of Dayton, Ohio.

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