Nuggets of knowledge gleaned from the CVC in 2014.The bears I've worked with are real “drug sponges.” A long needle helps. No one wants a slightly drowsy grizzly bear. -Ryan DeVoe, DVM, MSpVM, DACZM, DABVP (avian, reptile/amphibian practice)
The bears I've worked with are real “drug sponges.” A long needle helps. No one wants a slightly drowsy grizzly bear.
-Ryan DeVoe, DVM, MSpVM, DACZM, DABVP (avian, reptile/amphibian practice)
Surgical altering reduces a cat's energy needs by 7% to 33%. You may need to reduce the cat food quantity by 20% to 25% after neutering.
-Margie Scherk, DVM, DABVP (feline practice)
I don't recommend that owners of brachycephalic breeds induce emesis at home.
-Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC, DABT
Three-view thoracic radiographs are now the standard of care.
-Clifford R. Berry, DVM, DACVR
Human dental patients that have loose teeth describe chewing “like walking on a sprained ankle.”
-Sandra Manfra Marretta, DVM, DACVS, DAVDC
At least 75% of atopic dogs are flea-allergic, so they need good flea control.
-Ian B. Spiegel, VMD, MHS, DACVD
In the initial treatment of pets with diabetic ketoacidosis, don't obsess about the blood glucose concentration. The goal of insulin administration is to inhibit ketone formation.
-Patty Lathan, DVM, DACVIM
If you use injectable combinations of anesthetics, you can expect hypoxemia and hypercapnia, so be sure to use an oxygen mask.
-Ann Weil, DVM, DACVAA
Appropriate reinforcers for good behavior in cats include stroking or petting, food, play, and catnip.
-Elizabeth A. Shull, DVM, DACVIM (neurology), DACVB
On client misunderstanding: “My cat's ear problem is due to Ebola?” Nope-a structure called a bulla. Always be clear.
-Elizabeth J. Colleran, DVM, DABVP (feline practice)
Hypoalbuminemia is the most common biochemical abnormality in dogs with atypical Addison's disease.
-Adam Birkenheuer, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
For chronic diarrhea, if you are not considering cryptosporidiosis, you need to start doing so. You may not have seen it, but it has seen you.
-Todd R. Tams, DVM, DACVIM
The best time to treat chickens is at night when their natural instinct is roosting. They hardly respond to anything you do to them.
-Kendal Harr, DVM, MS, DACVP
In cats, pruritic disease that is limited to from the neck up is likely due to food allergies.
-Douglas J. DeBoer, DVM, DACVD
Regarding tests for small intestinal function, cobalamin is what we need to hang our hat on.
-Albert E. Jergens, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
50% of our patients with cranial cruciate ligament injuries will rupture the contralateral cranial cruciate ligament within one year.
-Carrie Adrian, PTA, PhD, CCRP